Key Word: OPPORTUNITY--look for it; be prepared to make a decision about it; act on it.
In my pursuit of opportunity I've used three themes as a guide:
- Vision: I created a view of what I wanted to do and then tested it and modified it from time to time. The details evolved and were shaped by the opportunities I found. But I kept working on it. And at my late career stage I'm still at it.
- Givers/not Takers: I learned to try (not always successfully) to surround myself with people who contributed to me and the community at large. Takers are exhausting and distracting and I tried to avoid them.
- Balance: It is possible to find balance between career, family and personal needs. But it takes work. Example: I travelled a lot as a management consultant and entrepreneur. When our first son had his first parent-teacher conference, on a Wednesday early afternoon I was in client-ville. Mid week tends to be travel days. But we approached the school and asked if the conferences for our kids could be set early on Monday or afternoons on Friday. They could. I made the next 21 conferences in a row. Being close to my sons was and is important. By working at it we found a way to achieve balance in spite of a taxing travel schedule. You can strike a balance but it takes effort.
All in all--with your life ahead of you--seek, find and act on opportunity. I've met and worked with many in your generations and as the song goes, I do think "The kids are alright!"
Yes you are.
Thomas Doorley, '69BUS
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